YGL ERP helps organisations meet Sustainability and ESG Goals

YGL ERP helps organisations meet Sustainability and ESG Goals
YGL ERP helps organisations meet Sustainability and ESG Goals

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) reporting is a way for companies to disclose their performance in these areas. One crucial aspect of ESG reporting is carbon emissions, which refers to the release of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

The formula for calculating carbon emissions can vary depending on the sources of emissions and the level of detail required. However, the general formula for calculating carbon emissions from a particular source is as follows:

Carbon Emissions = Activity Data x Emission Factor

Activity Data: This represents the level of activity or usage related to the emission source. It could be measured in various units depending on the source, such as distance traveled (e.g., in kilometers for transportation), energy consumed (e.g., in kilowatt-hours for electricity use), or tons of raw material processed (e.g., for industrial processes).

Emission Factor: The emission factor is a coefficient that represents the amount of greenhouse gases (expressed in carbon dioxide equivalent or CO2e) emitted per unit of activity data. It varies based on the type of activity and the specific source. Emission factors are usually available in publicly accessible databases provided by governmental and environmental organizations.

Once you have the activity data and the corresponding emission factor, simply multiply them together to calculate the carbon emissions for that specific source.

Keep in mind that organizations and countries may use more complex methodologies to calculate emissions, especially when dealing with various sources and sectors. For comprehensive and accurate carbon reporting, it’s essential to consider all relevant sources of emissions and follow the established guidelines and standards, such as those provided by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol) or the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

For a company’s overall carbon emissions, you would sum up the emissions from all relevant sources to get a complete picture of their carbon footprint.

YGL NERVO ERP software is a key technology in Industry 4.0, as it provides a centralized platform for managing all aspects of warehouse operations, from inventory management to shipping and receiving. By integrating YGL NERVO ERP software with other Industry 4.0 technologies such as IoT sensors, AI algorithms, and robotics, warehouse managers can create a highly efficient and connected system that can adapt quickly to changes in demand or supply chain disruptions.

Overall, the use of YGL NERVO ERP software is a key component of Industry 4.0, and is critical to creating a more connected and efficient system that can meet the demands of modern supply chains and ESG requirements.

We Can Help to implement DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION in the Manufacturing Industry System Integration under Industry 4.0

We look forward to hearing from you. Contact us today so that we can help you with our YGL ERP which is strategy Industry 4.0 ready implementation needs heading towards Industry 4.0.

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YglWorld PG (HQ)
10450 Penang Island

YglWorld KL
Suite 9-10
Wisma UOA II,
Jalan Pinang 50450
Kuala Lumpur


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